The Nesivos Haggadah

The Nesivos Haggadah

Code: BOK086

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Product Description

With commentary Maaseh Nissim by the author of Nesivos HaMishpat, Rabbi Yaakov Lorberbaum.
Translated by Rabbi Michoel Miller .

Rabbi Yaakov Lorberbaum (1760-1832), was one of the leading halachic authorities of his generation. Chief Rabbi of Lissa, Poland, and author of Nesivos Hamishpat on Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, he is more popularly known as the "Lissa Rav" or "Ba'al HaNesivos". Among his many works is his commentary on the Haggadah, Maaseh Nissim, which elucidates some of the central tenets of the Passover Seder and the story of Yetzias Mitzrayim.
6 x 9". Hardcover. 124 pages.