Redemption Haggadah, Dubno Maggid
Code: BOK792
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Product Description
Based on Commentary of the Dubno Maggid
Translated and compiled by Menachem Silver.
Throughout Jewish history, there have been many storytellers, but perhaps the greatest of all was Rabbi Yaakov Kranz, the Maggid of Dubno. His inspired parables and stories would bring everyone - from simple villagers to renowned Torah scholars - to draw closer to their Father in Heaven. This special Haggadah contains the Maggid's commentary, translated into English, alongside facing pages in the original Hebrew.
Based on Commentary of the Dubno Maggid
Translated and compiled by Menachem Silver.
Throughout Jewish history, there have been many storytellers, but perhaps the greatest of all was Rabbi Yaakov Kranz, the Maggid of Dubno. His inspired parables and stories would bring everyone - from simple villagers to renowned Torah scholars - to draw closer to their Father in Heaven. This special Haggadah contains the Maggid's commentary, translated into English, alongside facing pages in the original Hebrew.